Archive for 2009

Tuesday Time-Wasting Tip-Off #3: Mini-Plans Can Double Your Micro-Task Productivity

Welcome to the third instalment of the Tuesday Time-Wasting Tip-Off. This week, the very definition of “working smarter, not harder” where you can learn how to double your productivity. Mini-Plans Can Double Your Micro-Task Productivity You can make the next hour the most productive of your day, if you know precisely what you will be…

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Live Your Life With A SenseCam

What’s a SenseCam? Think of a SenseCam as a black box flight recorder for human beings. Almost everything you or I see, hear or encounter can be recorded in some fashion on a tiny digital device. You can later use the recorded data as a memory aid, to reconstruct an event, to prove who won…

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Herd Animals

Phone designs, like fashion, move fast. And they mostly move in herds. Incremental changes to design are quickly emulated. Technological tweaks are rapidly assimilated in the next generation of a competitor’s handset. If your product is aiming to be fashionable, aim to move fast so that you don’t become irrelevant quite literally over night. Move…

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The tiniest of incremental changes

One of the keys to success and being the best are finding the small yet significant incremental improvements in any aspect of your life or career that will compound repeatedly, year after year.

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Why You Cannot Outsource Your Authenticity

When I first decided to begin writing for this blog I thought I had it all figured out of how I wanted it to work. I thought ”Hey, you know, I can write out a synopsis of what I want to say, perhaps a few hundred words, then hand that off to a cheap writer…

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You Don’t Have To Be Suicidal To Be An Entrepreneur, But It Helps!

Things you can say to an entrepreneur but not to someone contemplating suicide “There’s no better time than to take that leap.” “Your problem is you don’t follow through on anything you say you will do.” “Oh well then just do it and stop talking about it already.” “Just pull the trigger already!” “I don’t…

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“What is the value of your opinion?” Speech

A few years back, I was attending my usual weekly Toastmasters meeting and had the opportunity, as part of the prescribed curriculum of practice, to give a speech about the value of opinions. I have been writing a lot about this subject lately for future blog articles so thought I would share a copy of…

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Revisiting our failures

We repeatedly revisit past failures no matter how small. “I missed winning the contest by that much.” “Our team could have won if I had just gotten a few more yards.” “I would have sealed that business deal if I had just walked to the plane a little faster.” But we rarely revisit our past…

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Super Productivity Boosters Part 2

Continuing on from the super productivity boosters I wrote about yesterday, here are another dozen techniques you can use to push through your personal productivity dip. 13. Closed Task Lists We all have a never-ending task list that seems to have tasks added to the end faster than we remove tasks from the front. I…

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Super Productivity Boosters Part 1

Super productivity boosters multiply your daily output by applying simple techniques and easily learnable skills you most likely already have. The right productivity booster correctly applied can double or triple your effective work output for a day. Techniques that are super productivity boosters need to be incredibly simple and beautifully elegant. A complex ritual requiring…

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Stop Researching And Just Go Buy It

Stop spending irreplaceable hours researching cheap items on websites and just spend easily replaceable dollars purchasing different brands and models until you locate one you are satisfied with. What is the point of spending hundreds of hours a year of your valuable time researching on various websites which $50 products to buy? Just go ahead…

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Perfection Is The Enemy Of Progress

Perfection is the enemy of progress. What is perfect anyway? It is in your interest to avoid perfection whenever possible, a good enough solution that works, is immeasurably better than a perfect solution yet to be implemented. In your company and your life, good enough solutions should be prevalent. Good enough should be the dominant…

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Full Screen Draft with Microsoft Word 2007

I was wondering about a small productivity booster whilst being distracted by all of the bells and whistles in Microsoft Word 2007. I must admit that the ribbon and the icons in the new edition of Word are very pretty but they are a huge distraction when I am trying to concentrate on creating an…

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Cook Something Original And Fantastic Update #1

I am off to a very slow start with my Cook Something Original And Fantastic 30-Day Goal, the first week I was focusing on minor side dishes or so busy with life that preparing anything more than a basic meal was not within the time available to me. The past few days however have been…

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Self-Discipline Part 2

This is the second part of my article on self-discipline that continues where the article from yesterday left off. Today I am writing about techniques you can use to build up part of your internal self-discipline. Awareness Discipline is deciding, consciously, that you need to act in a certain way, or perform a certain task,…

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Self-Discipline Part 1

Today I am writing specifically about self-discipline and I want to make sure that there is no confusion between what I mean by self-discipline and what others mean by self-control. Self-discipline and self-control are closely related subjects and it is quite easy to confuse the two. "Discipline is freedom" touts one pundit. This smacks of…

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